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salaam all,
Bilal Sulehri bhai, this idea does not appeal me. CA n Actuary, both r very prestigious n very exacting qualifications. these two donot ve ne direct link as well, so v cannot say tht these two complement each other (as is the case in other qualifications, eg, CA, ACCA, ACMA, MBA etc). so, i dont support the idea of doing both.
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It takes another 3-4 years minimum of hard work (articled work) and extensive study..
but the question is do you need it ? are there jobs out there within your reach ? there a dozen other qualification and degrees one could go for..... especially when they have a wider market peneteration.
can any one tell me how can i start studies for acturies....?
plz don't comment on wethere we've to do it or not...
i want to do it.....
plz tll the way to join
can any one tell me how can i start studies for acturies....?
plz don't comment on wethere we've to do it or not...
i want to do it.....
plz tll the way to join
If you are the son of a zillionaire seth or have way too much time and have no responsibilities towards you family, then please go ahead and do them both. <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>
Arrrgh... it sure's gonna be mighty rough sailin' today ... mates!
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Well GuyBrush,, the honourable Presdient's son is an actuary too, so you might as well be careful
Who are you referring to here? You mean Gen's son? BTW how do you know?
Would be interested to find out. If you think you can't give answers to above questions on this forum, then please email them to me on my personal address at ahsan_abdullah85@hotmail.com
DT,.. YES President General Pervaiz Musharaf's son is an actuary working in the US,.. I was in Pakistan when the General took office and remeber reading an article in 'the News' where his son was described as an 'acturay - a kind of a specialist accountant' ofcourse the association of actuaries in Pakistan responded to that immediately correcting the misconception that actuaries were not accountant's at all !.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>Well GuyBrush,, the honourable Presdient's son is an actuary too, so you might as well be careful<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Last time I heard...Bilal Musharraf was still an Actuarial student(in Boston probably). I'm not the most updated one here, but the last time I checked the Directory of Actuarial membership, his name wan't listed on it(meaning he is/was still pursuing the letters).
I hope he does not loose interest in his professions and goes on to become a memeber of the august professional body. We don't want him coming back and making a mockery of his family name,, not another progeny, no.
"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311