Rehman Sarfraz is certainly in the Top 20 Categoery but I could not exactly pin a number on it, given the lack of information. So, it is a good firm to train in. However, I said Anjum Asim because there is a preception in the market with comparability and becuase it is the Local Grant Thornton office (which is a number 5 firm worldwide). Premium international affiliations/associations would help you later on in your career as well.
Thanx Pracs for your guidence i am asking it because when i was going through the Forum you said that on the Fifth position there are lot of firms including both Rahman Sarfaraz & co and Anjum Asim and also one of my friend Haroon is an Article student in Anjum Asim for the last 12 months but still he has not qualified his C.A (Inter) and he got D grade in cost accounting in Mar 2006 attempt
do you know what type of audit clients MYASCO have these dayz, somebody told me that they have mainly Textile industry...if this is true, is it useful to work with them apart from the "thappa" of Big 4...
do you know what type of audit clients MYASCO have these dayz, somebody told me that they have mainly Textile industry...if this is true, is it useful to work with them apart from the "thappa" of Big 4...
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
I understand that you are in Lahore, where as per my information does have a large Textile portfolio, but they are also involved in a number of clients with referals from Karachi (which includes some banks as well). If you can get into any of the other three Big4 I would recommend that.
If that is not the case, I would still recommend to join MYASCO.. because of the brand name.. you may not realise it now but this is going to help you out big time.. especially if you ever think about working outside of Pakistan. If you plan to live in Pakistan , this is still going to help because in the near future Big4 are going to acquire stakes in the local firms and that would mean big time investment in 'people' and technologies.
yes I am in Lahore...
This link also make me think about MYASCO's repute...coz along with a good brand I also want to learn the things...if everything in the above linked thread is correct (20 dayz study leave and copying work of other auditors etc) then what to do with such a brand...
Few dayz ago, I met a guy(probably he was a senior trainee) in MYASCO, n I asked him that what variety of clients do you people have, he simply replied "textile"...the only experience that I will have in the end will be with Textile...this thing is really making me worried...
maani,.. MYAS is quite a new entrant in the Big4 circle,..the thread you are referring to is 3 years old.. alot has happened since then !! so things are going for the better,. They do have a majority of Textiles but they do have other work as well. Some one I know Articled from there and is now working for a company in Lahore who are close to getting a listing on the NASDAQ. The kind of clients you work on is important but it is not the end of the world!