08-09-2007, 09:55 PM
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12.5 Different Modes of Remittances
12.5.1 Drafts
12.5.2 Mail Transfers
12.5.3 Telegraphic Transfer
12.5.4 SWIFT
12.5.5 Electronic Fund Transfer
12.6 inward Remittances
12.7 Outward Remittances
12.8 modes of Remittances
12.9 Cancellation of Foreign Remittances
12.9.1 Cancellation of Outward Remittances
Q.3 State True or False give brief reason for your selection (30) (Winter-2006)
iv An outward foreign currency remittance already reported to SBP cannot be cancelled subsequently.
12.9.2 Cancellation of Inward Remittances
Q.3 State True or False give brief reason for your selection (30) (Winter-2006)
xi An inward remittance already reported to SBP can be cancelled subsequently.
Q.2 Please write the alphabet of selected answer in the column. (10) (Summer-2006)
vi. The non-resident Accounts can be credited
A) with proceeds of foreign remittances only;
B) with proceeds of foreign remittance or transfer from another Non-resident account
C) with Pak Rupees from any Rupee account
D) None of the above
IV. Negotiation
Negotiation defined; negotiation distinguished from assignment. Negotiable instruments promissory note, bill of exchange, cheque;
Distinction between cheque and bill of exchange;
Q.3 State True or False give brief reason for your selection (30) (Winter-2006)
xiii A cheque is a bill of exchange payable on demand.
how negotiation takes effect; negotiation of bearer and order instruments - delivery and indorsement and delivery; Indorsement -- kinds and inscriptions; holder; holder in due course; holder for value; crossing; liability of drawer; liability of drawee of cheque; liability of maker of note and acceptor of bill; liability of indorser; liability of prior parties to holder in due course; noting; protest; calculating maturity of bill or note;
12.5 Different Modes of Remittances
12.5.1 Drafts
12.5.2 Mail Transfers
12.5.3 Telegraphic Transfer
12.5.4 SWIFT
12.5.5 Electronic Fund Transfer
12.6 inward Remittances
12.7 Outward Remittances
12.8 modes of Remittances
12.9 Cancellation of Foreign Remittances
12.9.1 Cancellation of Outward Remittances
Q.3 State True or False give brief reason for your selection (30) (Winter-2006)
iv An outward foreign currency remittance already reported to SBP cannot be cancelled subsequently.
12.9.2 Cancellation of Inward Remittances
Q.3 State True or False give brief reason for your selection (30) (Winter-2006)
xi An inward remittance already reported to SBP can be cancelled subsequently.
Q.2 Please write the alphabet of selected answer in the column. (10) (Summer-2006)
vi. The non-resident Accounts can be credited
A) with proceeds of foreign remittances only;
B) with proceeds of foreign remittance or transfer from another Non-resident account
C) with Pak Rupees from any Rupee account
D) None of the above
IV. Negotiation
Negotiation defined; negotiation distinguished from assignment. Negotiable instruments promissory note, bill of exchange, cheque;
Distinction between cheque and bill of exchange;
Q.3 State True or False give brief reason for your selection (30) (Winter-2006)
xiii A cheque is a bill of exchange payable on demand.
how negotiation takes effect; negotiation of bearer and order instruments - delivery and indorsement and delivery; Indorsement -- kinds and inscriptions; holder; holder in due course; holder for value; crossing; liability of drawer; liability of drawee of cheque; liability of maker of note and acceptor of bill; liability of indorser; liability of prior parties to holder in due course; noting; protest; calculating maturity of bill or note;