04-13-2006, 03:11 AM
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salam to all. i am starting this topic thinking it to be very fruitful and a guide to all.
i expect in this topic that it will come to light that " is CA difficult? if yes" then why, and how much it is difficult?
which subjects are particularly difficul?
is timeshedule tight and time short or not?
should icap extend time period of modules?
should icap change pattern of examinations?
is really CA more difficult that any other accountancy education.
i hope you all will contribute about all these questions and will share your experiences about CA and difficulties u faced.
salam to all. i am starting this topic thinking it to be very fruitful and a guide to all.
i expect in this topic that it will come to light that " is CA difficult? if yes" then why, and how much it is difficult?
which subjects are particularly difficul?
is timeshedule tight and time short or not?
should icap extend time period of modules?
should icap change pattern of examinations?
is really CA more difficult that any other accountancy education.
i hope you all will contribute about all these questions and will share your experiences about CA and difficulties u faced.