01-17-2005, 01:22 AM
Please tell me from where to get CFA books in Pakistan. Official course sellers are very expensive. If any body having any idea of a book seller or any other person intending to sell CFA level I books, please contact me at [email protected] Moreover also please guide me on the difference the books have from year to year i.e. is it only tax and interest rate changes or even syllabus changes
Aamer Sikandar
Please tell me from where to get CFA books in Pakistan. Official course sellers are very expensive. If any body having any idea of a book seller or any other person intending to sell CFA level I books, please contact me at [email protected] Moreover also please guide me on the difference the books have from year to year i.e. is it only tax and interest rate changes or even syllabus changes
Aamer Sikandar