03-17-2003, 09:05 PM
About this topic I will just like to say may be Yousef Adil's working style or standarad may not meet the standarad of DTT earlier but surely it meets all or most of thier standarads now as DTT has given it membership and surely that firm will be subject to reviews by the DTT in the future. So nobody should be worrying and loosing sleep over DTT's member ship. If they deserve it they will keep it otherwise DTT will look somewhere else whats the big deal
PS I have nver worked for Yousef Adil in my life i am not favouring or opposing anybody
About this topic I will just like to say may be Yousef Adil's working style or standarad may not meet the standarad of DTT earlier but surely it meets all or most of thier standarads now as DTT has given it membership and surely that firm will be subject to reviews by the DTT in the future. So nobody should be worrying and loosing sleep over DTT's member ship. If they deserve it they will keep it otherwise DTT will look somewhere else whats the big deal
PS I have nver worked for Yousef Adil in my life i am not favouring or opposing anybody