07-15-2003, 09:09 AM
Hi Pak!
Let us not change the rules in middle of the game. Your posting's heading is relating to Avialable for Sale securities. Since, by their very definition, these securities cannot be traded frequently, otherwise u have to classify them as tranding securities. So if u buy and sell the same securities within a fiscial year, there is nothing available for sale at the year end.
However, if u hold them for at least one balance sheet date and designate them as available for sale, then the rules r very clear in
IAS 39. May be we need to take a refresher course in English language, if we are having so much trouble understanding such trivial stuff. No offense intended. Thnks
Edited by - Pervez on Jul 15 2003 044111 AM
Edited by - Pervez on Jul 16 2003 044255 AM
Let us not change the rules in middle of the game. Your posting's heading is relating to Avialable for Sale securities. Since, by their very definition, these securities cannot be traded frequently, otherwise u have to classify them as tranding securities. So if u buy and sell the same securities within a fiscial year, there is nothing available for sale at the year end.
However, if u hold them for at least one balance sheet date and designate them as available for sale, then the rules r very clear in
IAS 39. May be we need to take a refresher course in English language, if we are having so much trouble understanding such trivial stuff. No offense intended. Thnks
Edited by - Pervez on Jul 15 2003 044111 AM
Edited by - Pervez on Jul 16 2003 044255 AM