07-12-2003, 02:28 AM
In general terms people have tried to trace this financial genetic code.. though a bit negatively... like the company failure indices we have had.
A genetic code's outcome is a success or failure. For example advances will let us know if a person will be prone to certain disease... so called inherent risk.
On the other hand, a company is not born strong or weak... it gets the position gradually as ... injections and tablets of corporate governance take their hold.. or not so.
Then we can predict the financial genetic code... which is ever evolving.... rather being static for humans.
This discipline is aleady subject to a lot of controversy and perhaps the term "financial genetic code" how much innovative it may sound is just the same old wine with new lable... if I may say so...)
A genetic code's outcome is a success or failure. For example advances will let us know if a person will be prone to certain disease... so called inherent risk.
On the other hand, a company is not born strong or weak... it gets the position gradually as ... injections and tablets of corporate governance take their hold.. or not so.
Then we can predict the financial genetic code... which is ever evolving.... rather being static for humans.
This discipline is aleady subject to a lot of controversy and perhaps the term "financial genetic code" how much innovative it may sound is just the same old wine with new lable... if I may say so...)