06-19-2006, 06:08 PM
From "Tahir Farooq" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book Add
To "'Zulfiqar Ali Halari'" <zulfiqar.halari@>
Subject RE BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Date Thu, 15 Jun 2006 120952 +0500
Dear Mr. Zulfiqar,
Please note that the Higher Education Commission has not allowed this programme so far, therefore, it will not be recognized/validated.
Yours truly,
Tahir Farooq,
Education Officer,
For Director General (A&A),
Higher Education Commission Islamabad
----------------------------------------------------------------------From Zulfiqar Ali Halari [mailtozulfiqar.halari@]
Sent Wednesday, June 14, 2006 540 PM
To Tahir Farooq
Subject RE BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Dear Mr. Tahir,
Thank for your email. I would like to know that our degree for this program will come from UK itself. But we will be doing a research and analysis project in Pakistan related to our country environment. then we will get it from UK.
So, it will be valid in Pakistan as well. I wanted assurance from HEC about its recognizability, so if HEC validates it, so I will be working toward that degree also.
Thanks and Regards
Tahir Farooq <[email protected]> wrote
Dear Mr. Zulfiqar,
Please refer to your email, it is informed that the B.Sc. (Hons.) Applied Accounting held from Oxford Brookes University, UK through ACCA, UK are recognized by the HEC. Please note that the student is required to get his/her degree while physically remaining in UK, whereas the qualification held through study centers/distance education in Pakistan is not recognized/validated by the HEC.
Yours truly,
Tahir Farooq,
Education Officer,
For Director General (A&A),
Higher Education Commission, Islamabad
From Muhammad Anees Sadozai [[email protected]]
Sent Tuesday, June 13, 2006 232 PM
To [email protected]
Subject FW BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Dear Tahir Farooq,
Please guide Zulfiqar Ali Halari ,
with regards,
M. Anees Sadozai
From Zulfiqar Ali Halari [mailtozulfiqar.halari@]
Sent Tuesday, June 13, 2006 128 AM
To zulfiqar.halari@
Subject RE BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Dear Sir,
I need the help of HEC by telling me about the validity of
BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University Business School.
The detailed information about this can be found at
What I want to know is that
1. If this degree program is fully recognized by HEC in Pakistan?
2. If on the basis of above degree, a person can get admission in any university of Pakistan for any Masters level course, such as MBA from Karachi University Business School, IBA Karachi, LUMS?
3. If this degree program can get a person admitted to any American, Canadian or Australian university' masters level degree program?
Thanking you in advance for your kind-cooperation.
To "'Zulfiqar Ali Halari'" <zulfiqar.halari@>
Subject RE BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Date Thu, 15 Jun 2006 120952 +0500
Dear Mr. Zulfiqar,
Please note that the Higher Education Commission has not allowed this programme so far, therefore, it will not be recognized/validated.
Yours truly,
Tahir Farooq,
Education Officer,
For Director General (A&A),
Higher Education Commission Islamabad
----------------------------------------------------------------------From Zulfiqar Ali Halari [mailtozulfiqar.halari@]
Sent Wednesday, June 14, 2006 540 PM
To Tahir Farooq
Subject RE BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Dear Mr. Tahir,
Thank for your email. I would like to know that our degree for this program will come from UK itself. But we will be doing a research and analysis project in Pakistan related to our country environment. then we will get it from UK.
So, it will be valid in Pakistan as well. I wanted assurance from HEC about its recognizability, so if HEC validates it, so I will be working toward that degree also.
Thanks and Regards
Tahir Farooq <[email protected]> wrote
Dear Mr. Zulfiqar,
Please refer to your email, it is informed that the B.Sc. (Hons.) Applied Accounting held from Oxford Brookes University, UK through ACCA, UK are recognized by the HEC. Please note that the student is required to get his/her degree while physically remaining in UK, whereas the qualification held through study centers/distance education in Pakistan is not recognized/validated by the HEC.
Yours truly,
Tahir Farooq,
Education Officer,
For Director General (A&A),
Higher Education Commission, Islamabad
From Muhammad Anees Sadozai [[email protected]]
Sent Tuesday, June 13, 2006 232 PM
To [email protected]
Subject FW BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Dear Tahir Farooq,
Please guide Zulfiqar Ali Halari ,
with regards,
M. Anees Sadozai
From Zulfiqar Ali Halari [mailtozulfiqar.halari@]
Sent Tuesday, June 13, 2006 128 AM
To zulfiqar.halari@
Subject RE BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting
Dear Sir,
I need the help of HEC by telling me about the validity of
BSc (Hons) Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University Business School.
The detailed information about this can be found at
What I want to know is that
1. If this degree program is fully recognized by HEC in Pakistan?
2. If on the basis of above degree, a person can get admission in any university of Pakistan for any Masters level course, such as MBA from Karachi University Business School, IBA Karachi, LUMS?
3. If this degree program can get a person admitted to any American, Canadian or Australian university' masters level degree program?
Thanking you in advance for your kind-cooperation.