05-22-2011, 02:38 AM
In Pakistan any index is not maintained, thanks to ICAP, therefore, officially we cannot consider which firm is on number 5 or number 1. Once you can't make it to big four then its all the same down under. Even A rated firms on SBP panel would have a few listed clients and you won't have any chance to conduct their audits due to highly politicised environments in rest of the firms, again,thanks to icap for failing to monitor the environments of the firms. I had my internship at Avais Hyder eight year back and after becoming a depression case I somehow made it to big four. that's where I understood that big four somehow have humanly environments. Take a trip to Anjum Asim or Avais Hyder you'd see some signs of mental disorders on the faces of managers and trainees. Trainees were referred to as janglies in Anjum Asim and jahaz at Avais Hyder by the respected principals of the said firms. Once done with training, one realises, it wasn't really worth it )