05-24-2006, 04:21 AM
These kind of rumours have been around for quite some time, I remember hearing the 'ICAEW is coming...' through most of my articles time as well. I am sure until ICAP can help it they will stay away otherwise ICAP will just go into remission like the Malaysian or Singaporian institutes who are there just to issue practicing licenses and nothing more. I for one would like to see ICAP very much there and improve.
These kind of rumours have been around for quite some time, I remember hearing the 'ICAEW is coming...' through most of my articles time as well. I am sure until ICAP can help it they will stay away otherwise ICAP will just go into remission like the Malaysian or Singaporian institutes who are there just to issue practicing licenses and nothing more. I for one would like to see ICAP very much there and improve.