03-09-2004, 10:13 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I am not implyin what u should pursue ; just shedding some lights w/o being biased .
PROFIT MAXIMIZATION the ultimate goal of a desi seth or a multi conglomerates .
Lemme clearify
Consider these for your entrepreneurship
Pool ur savings
Prepare Feasibility
Forecast sales
Prepare a compre. Budget
Production / Service Planning
Control the activities by means of control tools .
Reap the MAXIMUM benefit .
TRY TO RELATE NO 1 WITH NO 8 and voila ! ! !
EASY , right ?
Wrong .
Ask , all the derivative traders , they will help u with the No 1
Then CAs like Mr.Guybrush would come up with the idea ," MAMMA MIA ,PAPPA PIA , the Child has got a Diarrhoea " ( in fact the Child HAD a diarrhoea 12 months back ) )
LAstly who would u turn to ? UR guess is as good as mine .
ANd this goes for MR.Guy and the traders Wake up Time has changed .
Visit the websites of all accounting professions , compare WHO GETS WHAT ( MONETARILY OF COURSE ), leave alone Pakistan .
CAs have the unfair monopoly
The seth asks the auditor i need an accountant since u audit ...aik achcha banda mujhe den ........?
The Auditor refers the dumbest of his lot with a good khidmat record . ).
ANd keeps The good ones for himself .
No , Pls dont have faith in my sayings . But Seing is believing .
And believe me i have met hoardes of them .
Oopppssss , got carried away ! ! !
Sorry fellars , no hard feelings .
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Seems as if our fellow forum member is an ICMAP student... True that CAs have the unfair monopoly, but isn't that enough to convince the newbie that in Pakistan CA is considered superior to ICMAP qualifieds?... Salary wise, honor wise, respect wise, whatever way you put it, CAs have the upper hand in Pakistan... Now I don't know whether this is right or wrong, but thats how things are here.
I am not implyin what u should pursue ; just shedding some lights w/o being biased .
PROFIT MAXIMIZATION the ultimate goal of a desi seth or a multi conglomerates .
Lemme clearify
Consider these for your entrepreneurship
Pool ur savings
Prepare Feasibility
Forecast sales
Prepare a compre. Budget
Production / Service Planning
Control the activities by means of control tools .
Reap the MAXIMUM benefit .
TRY TO RELATE NO 1 WITH NO 8 and voila ! ! !
EASY , right ?
Wrong .
Ask , all the derivative traders , they will help u with the No 1
Then CAs like Mr.Guybrush would come up with the idea ," MAMMA MIA ,PAPPA PIA , the Child has got a Diarrhoea " ( in fact the Child HAD a diarrhoea 12 months back ) )
LAstly who would u turn to ? UR guess is as good as mine .
ANd this goes for MR.Guy and the traders Wake up Time has changed .
Visit the websites of all accounting professions , compare WHO GETS WHAT ( MONETARILY OF COURSE ), leave alone Pakistan .
CAs have the unfair monopoly
The seth asks the auditor i need an accountant since u audit ...aik achcha banda mujhe den ........?
The Auditor refers the dumbest of his lot with a good khidmat record . ).
ANd keeps The good ones for himself .
No , Pls dont have faith in my sayings . But Seing is believing .
And believe me i have met hoardes of them .
Oopppssss , got carried away ! ! !
Sorry fellars , no hard feelings .
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Seems as if our fellow forum member is an ICMAP student... True that CAs have the unfair monopoly, but isn't that enough to convince the newbie that in Pakistan CA is considered superior to ICMAP qualifieds?... Salary wise, honor wise, respect wise, whatever way you put it, CAs have the upper hand in Pakistan... Now I don't know whether this is right or wrong, but thats how things are here.