10-11-2008, 03:48 PM
Somebody has given me info about a very manageable and useable cholesterol managing tool. Being the things which we normally use in our food, this appears to have no bad effects except for some bad smell which could be managed by using good toothpaste and mouth wash. I am sharing it for those who are affected by high Cholesterol issues.
The under mentioned dosage will reduce cholesterol dramatically
1. Ginger (juice/extract)
2. Garlic (juice/extract)
3. Lemon (juice)
4. Apple vinegar
5. Honey (preferably of small bee)
Each ingredient is to be taken in equal proportion (1/4 kgs). Ginger, garlic and lemon are to be taken in such quantum that their juice/extract comes to around ¼ kg each.
1/4 Kg. juice of each item (except honey) is to be mixed and cooked.
When the mixture becomes 1/3rd of the original quantum, cooking has to be stopped.
After removing the mixture from the burner, honey is to be mixed in it.
The hot mixture is to be cooled down at normal temperature and then stored in glass bottle.
Take one table spoon early in the morning (just after rising up).
Take one table spoon late in the night (just before sleeping).
Cholesterol will come down beyond what one can expect.
I hope this would be tested by the concerned fellows.