01-24-2010, 08:47 PM
A.A kamran sir
i m an ACCA ,complete ACCA looks for jobs or Artcles
several questions & confusions in mind being mentor & professinal
i think u can redress these questions better as this is my 2nd post for u as ist not redress by u,as these confusion in several student minds & they can also benefit for ur reply ,i classify questions
in numbers for ur convenience for focussed answers;i know its
quite lenghty post u may give short focusses answers
1. sir after ACCA there are two options for trainees like me
first to go to corporate sector like ICI,packages or finacial
institutions like banks for training
2nd option to go for articles for three years like big 4 A.F.F
or EY or other firms as some says that even after articles
in big 4 u u have to find job so better iz to go for job
directly after ACCA ? so what are merits & demerits of these
let me practically explain i apply in nestle For entry level
financial Analyst post & at same time i apply for Articles
in A.F.f Or Kpmg so simply i m confused which iz my track to start
sir for ACCA what would u recommend what r ur point view that
who is more in scope from career & job view after that 3 years
of training in these 2 options
2. sir in Pakistan as i experience to grow u have to do ICAP
articles if i do ICAP articles along ACCA but in that 3 year
perid i unable to complete ICAP study portion but comlete
articles would ihave same worth if i just do ACCA articles
or more than that ACCA even not completed CA study
as in interview with A.F.F senior manager he says
every body has not calliber to do CA so u have to go to
industry in if u want to enter in A.FF u have to complete
CA otherwise u r worthless?one chartered accountant
working AS finance manager tell me still for chartered accountants
at present time jobs rare..
3.if ICAP/ACCA articles is started with
big 4 or five with 2nd tier ,then have we
are enough effective to get decent jobs or to start decent
career.. sir if aim is after ACCA complete 3 year training from firms
aim is to get reasenable job not to open own firm still
icap articles enhance career prospect of job ?
4..After ACCA if to start ICAEW rather than ICAP
which many firms like KPMG provide to trainees internally
how u make think of ICAP & ICAEW from career
point of view ...AFter ACCA if ICAP not started & ICAEW
ARTICLES iz any job prospect enhance to start ICAEW
after ACCA..
5..there is 2 general perception that after ACCA more
appropriate to do CFA than CA,because CFA is much bigger
degree than CA because CA & ACCA is same study but
in CFA provide diversity in degree & its provide
much earning than EVen ICAP
2nd perception that CA relate to all fields but
CFA not like in chemical industry CA may relevant
role but CFA not ..how u make think after ACCA of
CFA& ICAP in terms of career scope
thanks for your precious time consumption
anxiously waits for reply
[email protected]
i m an ACCA ,complete ACCA looks for jobs or Artcles
several questions & confusions in mind being mentor & professinal
i think u can redress these questions better as this is my 2nd post for u as ist not redress by u,as these confusion in several student minds & they can also benefit for ur reply ,i classify questions
in numbers for ur convenience for focussed answers;i know its
quite lenghty post u may give short focusses answers
1. sir after ACCA there are two options for trainees like me
first to go to corporate sector like ICI,packages or finacial
institutions like banks for training
2nd option to go for articles for three years like big 4 A.F.F
or EY or other firms as some says that even after articles
in big 4 u u have to find job so better iz to go for job
directly after ACCA ? so what are merits & demerits of these
let me practically explain i apply in nestle For entry level
financial Analyst post & at same time i apply for Articles
in A.F.f Or Kpmg so simply i m confused which iz my track to start
sir for ACCA what would u recommend what r ur point view that
who is more in scope from career & job view after that 3 years
of training in these 2 options
2. sir in Pakistan as i experience to grow u have to do ICAP
articles if i do ICAP articles along ACCA but in that 3 year
perid i unable to complete ICAP study portion but comlete
articles would ihave same worth if i just do ACCA articles
or more than that ACCA even not completed CA study
as in interview with A.F.F senior manager he says
every body has not calliber to do CA so u have to go to
industry in if u want to enter in A.FF u have to complete
CA otherwise u r worthless?one chartered accountant
working AS finance manager tell me still for chartered accountants
at present time jobs rare..
3.if ICAP/ACCA articles is started with
big 4 or five with 2nd tier ,then have we
are enough effective to get decent jobs or to start decent
career.. sir if aim is after ACCA complete 3 year training from firms
aim is to get reasenable job not to open own firm still
icap articles enhance career prospect of job ?
4..After ACCA if to start ICAEW rather than ICAP
which many firms like KPMG provide to trainees internally
how u make think of ICAP & ICAEW from career
point of view ...AFter ACCA if ICAP not started & ICAEW
ARTICLES iz any job prospect enhance to start ICAEW
after ACCA..
5..there is 2 general perception that after ACCA more
appropriate to do CFA than CA,because CFA is much bigger
degree than CA because CA & ACCA is same study but
in CFA provide diversity in degree & its provide
much earning than EVen ICAP
2nd perception that CA relate to all fields but
CFA not like in chemical industry CA may relevant
role but CFA not ..how u make think after ACCA of
CFA& ICAP in terms of career scope
thanks for your precious time consumption
anxiously waits for reply
[email protected]