03-21-2009, 03:43 PM
I have no principle objection on the claim of 200 operatives. I also don't mind reaching of any news to you, which so far I never saw getting proved or materialized.
However, this is only a claim which is totally based upon asumptions and may not be supported by any official data. We discussed some 3000 abondonded cars on Dubai's airport from all such newspapers, which, remained totally unconfirmed by the persons who are actually living there and who had been personally visiting the airport in those days. You can find it on another thread.
It is also strange that you, at the one hand, declare the Geo TV [jew as per your thinking] (that is also of Jang group) an agent of CIA and at the same time, on other hand, you are also basing your opinion on the figures disclosed by them. I know you are not the owner of "Jang" yet I wonder how can such a Mujahid like you base his conclusions on Jewish information. It is also strange if jewish planted people are providing their own secrets. Is there any line drawn between what information is jewish and what is not jewish?
You said "Dajjal and his friends" that's why I asked if Dajjal has appeared in your perception. I would be obliged to have the name of the book you are refering provided it is not a novel in its nature. I think a collection of all references from Bible and Holy Quran and Ahaadees should be made by some scholar with explanation of every prophecy for the understanding of common muslims and others. If there is any suh collection, do let me know.
I explained that everything has a positive and a negative use be it our hands, eyes, abilities, knowledge, articles, inventions or whatever. The biggest follower of Dajjal is inside all of us that is "NAFS". "Khair" and "Shar" have been created for every sphere and no one exists isolatedly. We cannot push TV or anything purely on negative side. If it's not understandable, we may not discuss it.
I will not call you a mental case since some of your decisions are quite sensible which compelled me to feel you are getting matured.
I have no principle objection on the claim of 200 operatives. I also don't mind reaching of any news to you, which so far I never saw getting proved or materialized.
However, this is only a claim which is totally based upon asumptions and may not be supported by any official data. We discussed some 3000 abondonded cars on Dubai's airport from all such newspapers, which, remained totally unconfirmed by the persons who are actually living there and who had been personally visiting the airport in those days. You can find it on another thread.
It is also strange that you, at the one hand, declare the Geo TV [jew as per your thinking] (that is also of Jang group) an agent of CIA and at the same time, on other hand, you are also basing your opinion on the figures disclosed by them. I know you are not the owner of "Jang" yet I wonder how can such a Mujahid like you base his conclusions on Jewish information. It is also strange if jewish planted people are providing their own secrets. Is there any line drawn between what information is jewish and what is not jewish?
You said "Dajjal and his friends" that's why I asked if Dajjal has appeared in your perception. I would be obliged to have the name of the book you are refering provided it is not a novel in its nature. I think a collection of all references from Bible and Holy Quran and Ahaadees should be made by some scholar with explanation of every prophecy for the understanding of common muslims and others. If there is any suh collection, do let me know.
I explained that everything has a positive and a negative use be it our hands, eyes, abilities, knowledge, articles, inventions or whatever. The biggest follower of Dajjal is inside all of us that is "NAFS". "Khair" and "Shar" have been created for every sphere and no one exists isolatedly. We cannot push TV or anything purely on negative side. If it's not understandable, we may not discuss it.
I will not call you a mental case since some of your decisions are quite sensible which compelled me to feel you are getting matured.