01-04-2005, 01:21 AM
I don't think the local police in the Emirates have to even bother about ''mobile snatching'' here or for that matter vehicle snatching (We rarely here a car theft case !) Any body who's been to the Emirates (Dubai etc.) can vouch for the fact how safe place this is. I myself usually forget my mobile in restaurants and then scurry back to get it. Plus we always find our vehicles where we park them (yes finding a place to park is beginning to get difficult)....
Azeem and DT,.. i read an article about rampant ''mobile crimes'' in the UK some time ago, I gather its mostly done by druggies !! But that was some time a go...! yeah mobiles are a lot more cheaper these days...
"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311
Azeem and DT,.. i read an article about rampant ''mobile crimes'' in the UK some time ago, I gather its mostly done by druggies !! But that was some time a go...! yeah mobiles are a lot more cheaper these days...
"Allah does not change the state of people unless they change what is within themselves" Quran 1311