03-04-2005, 10:41 PM
Boycott the regular Categories as much as you can. Just don't post anything there, and don't answer anything that is posted on these other Categories. It is the only way to break the <b>Seniors </b> stranglehold on this forum, if it can be done at all. The idea is to not cooperate with them.
In any case, this is what I am going to do. At least there will be one Category, hopefully, that is safe for a Junior to post in, if that fails I will leave. I know the Seniorswill crow and cheer and cheer and crow if and when I leave as they have asked me to leave many times now.
If any of you are interested in what I say, that is where I will be.
I would suggest to the management that at least half of the categories on this board be devoted primarily to Juniorthreads and posters, with Junior Moderators.
Let the Seniors have the other half. Just as this country is divided into two Americas, so this forum should likewise be divided. It doesn't mean that they can't post and answer on each other's sides, but just that it is understood that each is a guest on the other's turf.
I suggest this as a positive way to energize this forum and make it very strong and successful. Maybe, maybe at one time in our history we were one nation but for sure that is no longer true. The last two elections have proven me right and it becomes more that way all the time. Bipartisanship is as dead and a dodo.
In any case, this is what I am going to do. At least there will be one Category, hopefully, that is safe for a Junior to post in, if that fails I will leave. I know the Seniorswill crow and cheer and cheer and crow if and when I leave as they have asked me to leave many times now.
If any of you are interested in what I say, that is where I will be.
I would suggest to the management that at least half of the categories on this board be devoted primarily to Juniorthreads and posters, with Junior Moderators.
Let the Seniors have the other half. Just as this country is divided into two Americas, so this forum should likewise be divided. It doesn't mean that they can't post and answer on each other's sides, but just that it is understood that each is a guest on the other's turf.
I suggest this as a positive way to energize this forum and make it very strong and successful. Maybe, maybe at one time in our history we were one nation but for sure that is no longer true. The last two elections have proven me right and it becomes more that way all the time. Bipartisanship is as dead and a dodo.