06-02-2007, 06:57 PM
Pakistan IT Expert Wins Teaching Award
21 December, 2006.
IET helps DALS project win OU Teaching Award
Hassan Sheikh and Will Woods from IET's IT team were members of the 'Developing Associate Lecturers through Student Feedback' (DALS) project which was launched successfully in March 2006 and has just been announced as the winner of an OU Teaching Award 2007.
The DALS system provides OU students with a simple way to provide feedback via a questionnaire that can be used to improve the teaching by their tutors (Associate Lecturers). So far, over 10,000 students on OU courses have been able to use the system.
The response from students has been overwhelmingly positive, both to the process, which is seen as straightforward, and to their tutors. During the pilot, 85% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement "overall I was very satisfied with my tutor."
The DALS process also provides tutors with an opportunity to customise the questionnaire to gain feedback on particular aspects of their teaching.
21 December, 2006.
IET helps DALS project win OU Teaching Award
Hassan Sheikh and Will Woods from IET's IT team were members of the 'Developing Associate Lecturers through Student Feedback' (DALS) project which was launched successfully in March 2006 and has just been announced as the winner of an OU Teaching Award 2007.
The DALS system provides OU students with a simple way to provide feedback via a questionnaire that can be used to improve the teaching by their tutors (Associate Lecturers). So far, over 10,000 students on OU courses have been able to use the system.
The response from students has been overwhelmingly positive, both to the process, which is seen as straightforward, and to their tutors. During the pilot, 85% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement "overall I was very satisfied with my tutor."
The DALS process also provides tutors with an opportunity to customise the questionnaire to gain feedback on particular aspects of their teaching.