02-18-2010, 09:58 AM
Everything we let loose in our daily life may not be spoken with a serious frame of mind. I mean it's very necessary that sometimes we let some humour prevail. But I've to admit what I said with comical frame of mind in my previous post has caused some unsolicited nuisance here. Coming straight to the point I'm referring to the waila admi thing. There were obviously no hidden meanings in the statement made by Greatkhans, and the background of the phrase validates this. I had no conflict with anyone neither I intended to drag someone in that, again some frivolous remarks were interpreted with unnecessary seriousness.
Kamran sb, some vehemence could be sensed in the your last post. I'm very categoric about this opinion of mine that your addition in this forum (I reckon some three years back) have added significantly in the worthiness of this forum. Out of the 1,957 posts you've written till now, if not all, a significant portion has been much useful for the readers. The members who are on the forum for quite sometime are well aware of this. There are a sizable qualified accountants, but all of them are not equally level headed and may not possess a true sound professional knowledge. Yes, there are many as well who are quite consummated professionals. However, those with sound professional knowledge and sagacity who are devouted to satisfy the thirst of knowledge of others seriously make a rare breed. The members of the forum are lucky in this regard. At the same time the respect you've got is not a very common phenomena in this online blog culture. So, sir, your presence on this forum is welcomed more than any body else.
Dear Greatkhans, I hope that greatness evinced by your id is very much there. I repeat that I said all that humourously with no intention to drag you in an un-existing conflict. I had no serious intentions to point out that the waila admi comment was for someone else. At this time at least I myself fulfill the criteria of the remark, the timing of my post evidences it. I commend your approach of not getting this discord any further. But at my end some clarifications were due. I hope I have elucidated the misunderstandings, if any at all. Inspired by the writing style of yours I also have tried to bring into play all the vocab I had in my mind, though I believe it hasn't got much space in today's modern effective communication.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by kamranACA</i>
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I wish to mention that Partners and Managers take time to be what they are; and the people who make them partner or manager very well evaluate and know the worth and merits on the basis of which they give them such responsibilities. So, it may be unjustified for the ones who have to reach at that destination to pass on negative comments.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
I was very much aware that a dissenting opinion is expected from you on this issue. Differences obviously are ought to exist. However, I partially agree with you and besides the reasons you mentioned another reason for not propagating such things is that they do not serve any fruitful purpose. Also you didn't say anything bout that A/F replacement thing may be due to the same purpose.
Everything we let loose in our daily life may not be spoken with a serious frame of mind. I mean it's very necessary that sometimes we let some humour prevail. But I've to admit what I said with comical frame of mind in my previous post has caused some unsolicited nuisance here. Coming straight to the point I'm referring to the waila admi thing. There were obviously no hidden meanings in the statement made by Greatkhans, and the background of the phrase validates this. I had no conflict with anyone neither I intended to drag someone in that, again some frivolous remarks were interpreted with unnecessary seriousness.
Kamran sb, some vehemence could be sensed in the your last post. I'm very categoric about this opinion of mine that your addition in this forum (I reckon some three years back) have added significantly in the worthiness of this forum. Out of the 1,957 posts you've written till now, if not all, a significant portion has been much useful for the readers. The members who are on the forum for quite sometime are well aware of this. There are a sizable qualified accountants, but all of them are not equally level headed and may not possess a true sound professional knowledge. Yes, there are many as well who are quite consummated professionals. However, those with sound professional knowledge and sagacity who are devouted to satisfy the thirst of knowledge of others seriously make a rare breed. The members of the forum are lucky in this regard. At the same time the respect you've got is not a very common phenomena in this online blog culture. So, sir, your presence on this forum is welcomed more than any body else.
Dear Greatkhans, I hope that greatness evinced by your id is very much there. I repeat that I said all that humourously with no intention to drag you in an un-existing conflict. I had no serious intentions to point out that the waila admi comment was for someone else. At this time at least I myself fulfill the criteria of the remark, the timing of my post evidences it. I commend your approach of not getting this discord any further. But at my end some clarifications were due. I hope I have elucidated the misunderstandings, if any at all. Inspired by the writing style of yours I also have tried to bring into play all the vocab I had in my mind, though I believe it hasn't got much space in today's modern effective communication.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by kamranACA</i>
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I wish to mention that Partners and Managers take time to be what they are; and the people who make them partner or manager very well evaluate and know the worth and merits on the basis of which they give them such responsibilities. So, it may be unjustified for the ones who have to reach at that destination to pass on negative comments.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
I was very much aware that a dissenting opinion is expected from you on this issue. Differences obviously are ought to exist. However, I partially agree with you and besides the reasons you mentioned another reason for not propagating such things is that they do not serve any fruitful purpose. Also you didn't say anything bout that A/F replacement thing may be due to the same purpose.