02-12-2005, 04:59 AM
a/c to random walk theory whether one takes advice from a pro or makes all the decisions himself, the probability of having a gain is the same.
so why so much fuss over which market to choose and which securities to invest in.
moreover, KSE has an attraction that due to privatization there is a regular stream of IPOs. KAPCO, Attock petroleum ....so on
some of these may even provide an opportunity of making a sweep-stakes gain.( remember OGDC)
(this info has been given in good faith and may be incorrect. the writer does not bear any claim/liability whatsoever in any case [D])
Ice Blue
so why so much fuss over which market to choose and which securities to invest in.
moreover, KSE has an attraction that due to privatization there is a regular stream of IPOs. KAPCO, Attock petroleum ....so on
some of these may even provide an opportunity of making a sweep-stakes gain.( remember OGDC)
(this info has been given in good faith and may be incorrect. the writer does not bear any claim/liability whatsoever in any case [D])
Ice Blue