<u><b>Love</b></u>We think about it, sing about it, dream about it & & loose sleep worrying about it.
When we don't know we have it, we search for it.
When we discover it, we don't know what to do with it.
When we have it, we fear loosing it. It is the constant source of pleasure and pain. But we don't know which it will be from one moment to the next. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, & & IMPOSSIBLE to live without it.
"Selection of women by observing/ watching her feet"
well if u go to liberty /defence market or else where
u will see alot of girls their wearing fashionable dresses having mod looks etc
but if u dont see their feet u will never know which one of them is "KAAM WALI BACHI" and which one is "KAAM KI BACHI"