10-12-2011, 02:11 PM
articleshp at uk isnt tht easy, bcz of the waiting que at firms thr still if ur interestd thn u shud apply by nw.
also my advise wud b to roll in over at the firms offering icaew articles in pk, bt then again u need to qualify acca first.
also articles in firms actually polishes ur skills to move professionally over at industry, my advise wont ever b to go for industry wthout completing articleshp though not mandatory for acca students, bt still!
articleshp at uk isnt tht easy, bcz of the waiting que at firms thr still if ur interestd thn u shud apply by nw.
also my advise wud b to roll in over at the firms offering icaew articles in pk, bt then again u need to qualify acca first.
also articles in firms actually polishes ur skills to move professionally over at industry, my advise wont ever b to go for industry wthout completing articleshp though not mandatory for acca students, bt still!