04-18-2008, 12:42 AM
Hi Everybody
I would like to mention few things which I have learned through experience and from seniors. Most importantly anywhere in the world the main institutes like ICAP, ICAEW, ICAS, ICAA etc device policies to protect their and their member's interest rather than any other body which is fair enough. Unfortunately in some countries some so called professionals develop superiority or inferiority complexes for no reason and then they try to degrade others. Which in principal is not appropriate.It has been a long time for me to be in london where beside ICAEW, ICAS, ACCA, IPFA and other dozen of institutes and their students/members are learning and working without any conflict in a professional manner.
Some statistical records have been produced without mentioning the source and of the fact that there is a large number of part qualified ICAP students which were not able to qualify due to any reason are also working in industry and practice and they are in thousands. They neither pursued ACA studies nor they tried to join any other body to get professional qualifications. They are also favored by ACA and FCA bosses over ACCA.
Unfortunately in our nation the problem of degrading other person for no reason is found very often. People say that ACCA students/members lack behind training etc so they get lesser pay. Well, in UK the highly paid accountants are of CIMA, which in comparison with ICAEW and other professional accountancy bodies have no training or articles structure nor they have firms etc to train CIMA students/members, but still they are highly paid people.
I mentioned earlier that things take time to settle. People are happy with the ages of institutes and thinking that this will prevail but they have forgotten that in early 1950's Pakistan, Japan and Malaysia were experiencing same economic conditions but what about now? Few years ago PTV was the only source of any kind of television activity, what about now? etc So nothing is forever. Lets treat each other with respect and dignity because all of us belong to same profession.
If someone would have criticized or have passed remarks that students/members of x body are less intelligent/competent or people tend to join them after failing exams of y body etc in here UK, he/she would have been fined/prosecuted by his/her own institute in breech of professional and ethical conduct.
I am sure we all can think about it and can appreciate inclusion of more people in the profession as whole rather than of professional bodies.
Many Thanks
Kind Regards
I would like to mention few things which I have learned through experience and from seniors. Most importantly anywhere in the world the main institutes like ICAP, ICAEW, ICAS, ICAA etc device policies to protect their and their member's interest rather than any other body which is fair enough. Unfortunately in some countries some so called professionals develop superiority or inferiority complexes for no reason and then they try to degrade others. Which in principal is not appropriate.It has been a long time for me to be in london where beside ICAEW, ICAS, ACCA, IPFA and other dozen of institutes and their students/members are learning and working without any conflict in a professional manner.
Some statistical records have been produced without mentioning the source and of the fact that there is a large number of part qualified ICAP students which were not able to qualify due to any reason are also working in industry and practice and they are in thousands. They neither pursued ACA studies nor they tried to join any other body to get professional qualifications. They are also favored by ACA and FCA bosses over ACCA.
Unfortunately in our nation the problem of degrading other person for no reason is found very often. People say that ACCA students/members lack behind training etc so they get lesser pay. Well, in UK the highly paid accountants are of CIMA, which in comparison with ICAEW and other professional accountancy bodies have no training or articles structure nor they have firms etc to train CIMA students/members, but still they are highly paid people.
I mentioned earlier that things take time to settle. People are happy with the ages of institutes and thinking that this will prevail but they have forgotten that in early 1950's Pakistan, Japan and Malaysia were experiencing same economic conditions but what about now? Few years ago PTV was the only source of any kind of television activity, what about now? etc So nothing is forever. Lets treat each other with respect and dignity because all of us belong to same profession.
If someone would have criticized or have passed remarks that students/members of x body are less intelligent/competent or people tend to join them after failing exams of y body etc in here UK, he/she would have been fined/prosecuted by his/her own institute in breech of professional and ethical conduct.
I am sure we all can think about it and can appreciate inclusion of more people in the profession as whole rather than of professional bodies.
Many Thanks
Kind Regards