02-06-2005, 03:57 AM
whatever you ppl think about basant, itz raining now, atleast night tou kharab hui...
whatever you ppl think about basant, itz raining now, atleast night tou kharab hui...
02-06-2005, 03:57 AM
whatever you ppl think about basant, itz raining now, atleast night tou kharab hui... Ace
02-06-2005, 11:42 PM
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by maani</i>
<br />Hi, whatever you ppl think about basant, itz raining now, atleast night tou kharab hui... Ace <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">YAR AGLY SAL KA INTEZAR KAROO ------------------------- "You say you hate me,And i know that it is true,But why cant i stop thinking of you"
02-07-2005, 06:57 AM
Basant is gone leaving 13 ppl dead in just Lahore.
Deside for your self. If in single city 13 or so ppl were dead, what about the whole country. Loss of lives is, i think, greater then employement and money earned through basant, which is again spent on basant. ======================== ```*``` I love stars; *`*`*`* Shining; `*`*`*` and Smiling; *`````* Always. ------------------------ [email protected] http//www.shahid-fss.tk ========================
02-07-2005, 07:12 AM
Thousands of people die every day because they donot have the money to bear medical expenses,almost everyday people are committing suicides because they donot have any jobs,every day people are killed by the rubbers on the main road,but nobody says a single word.
Here 13 people died and every body will be shouting especially "Molanas".Although human life is very precious but those 13 mainly will be those who were looting kites in the streets and on the roads. bilal
02-07-2005, 07:22 AM
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Shahid_fss</i>
<br />I don't see any thing bad in basant but I don't like the way it is celiberated.... <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> hi there... sure... its nothing bad in celeberating BASANT... but what i see is... we celeberate it more than EID at times... and most dont care about others and the use of CLUTCH WIRES... also... over a HUNDRED got arrested in LAHORE... 4- died on the first day... and much more... even the CHINESE DO CELEBRATE the kit festival based on their history... but the difference is... they do much caring for others that day... well... the history of BASANT involved the SUFI's and RELIGIOUS LEADERS back in i think 14-15th century... and they now blame the HINDUS FOR introduction of BASANT... here's the BASANT HISTORY that i got from..."SHIRT & TIE SHOP" with a shirt.... The kit festival can be traced back to 200 B.C. Han Hsin, a Chinese General, supposedly used a kite to find enemies in 200 BC. Sounds dubious but I hereby request Jonathan Dresner's help. In any case, kite flying came out of China into India, Central Asia (and Europe). In India, we have references to kites in the fourth century Panchatantra tales, translated into the Arabic in Kalila wa Dimna. Kites found a sacred and recreational space in the Malay, Pacific Islands, Japan etc. The Turkic and Mongolian influx into the Islamic world made kite-flying into a leisure activity from Cairo to Delhi by the 13th century. However, kite-flying was never a sport for the masses; it was for the indulgence of princes in their marble terraces [just like pigeons but I digress]. Basant itself is a north-Indian celebration of Spring. The Basant Pancami festival was the a five day festival during the Magh month [Jan-Feb] when the fields are awash in mustard-seed flowers. and consisted of people dressing in mustard-color clothes and having a good time. This festival can be traced at least since the mid thirteenth century and here is a late, yet prototypical account, from the early 19th century by Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali [an Englishwoman married to an Indian noble] There is a festival observed at Lucknow called Bussund (spring-colour). I should remark here, that almost all the trees of India have perpetual foliage; as the season approaches for the new leaves to sprout, the young buds force off the old leaves; and when the trees are thus clothed in their first delicate foliage, there is a yellow tinge in the colour which is denominated Bussund (Spring). A day is appointed to be kept under this title, and then every one wears the Bussund colour; no one would be admitted at Court without this badge of the day. The elephants, horses and camels of the King, or of his nobles, are all ornamented with the same colour on their trappings. The King holds a Court, gives a public breakfast, and exhibits sports with ferocious animals. The amusements of this day are chiefly confined to the Court I have not observed much notice taken of it in private life. <u><b> As usual, we can blame the Sufis for bringing the festival into the Muslim pantheon. By the Mughal period, Basant was a popular festival at the major Sufi shrines. We have, for example, mentions of Nizam Auliya ki Basant, Khwaja Bakhtiar Kaki ki Basant, Khusrau ki Basant; festivals arranged around the shrines of these various sufi saints. Khusrau, the famous sufi-poet of the thirteenth century, even composed verses on Basant </b> </u> <i>Aaj basant mana lay suhagan, aaj basant mana lay/ Anjan manjan kar piya mori, lambay neher laga lay/ Tu kya sovay neend ki maasi, so jaagay teray bhaag, suhaagun, Aaj basant mana layâ¦..;/ Oonchi naar kay oonchay chitvan, ayso diyo hai banaaye/ Shah Amir tuhay dekhan ko, nainon say naina milaaye, / Suhaagun, aaj basant manaalay.</i> Celebrate basant today, O bride, Celebrate basant today/ Bring out your lotions,and decorate your long hair/ Oh why are you the servant of sleep? Even your fate is wide awake, Celebrate basant today/ O high lady with high looks, [...], when the king looks at you, you meet his eyes,/ O Bride, Celebrate basant today [bad translation] A typical celebration during the Mughal period would entail the devotees of the Sufi traveling to the shrine on Basant clad in yellow to offer garlands of yellow flowers and sing qawwalis all night long. Now THAT's a good time! I mention the involvement of the Sufis in Basant history because the popular trope of religious leaders in modern Pakistan has been to denounce Basant as a Hindu celebration that needs to be stopped. You often read/hear nonsense such as this. Bah Humbug. Lahore was an early and central city in the emergence of competitive kite-flying. I don't exactly know how or why kite-flying left the nobility and became a competitive sport for the masses in South Asia and neither do I know when it merged with the Basant festival [ok, i can find out but please]. Some conjecture is that it happened in late 18th to early 19th c period when Basant and the Mughal king's birthday landed on the same day. Regardless, it became widely observed festival among Hindus and Muslims of North India and though the "spring" angle has dwindled in Pakistan, the "kite" aspect is more vigorous than ever. Actually, come to think of it, the "spring" angle is the "official" angle. Ha. cheers.. syedhassan... ACCA
02-07-2005, 08:10 AM
hello again dears... as we'r all here to share knowledge and openions... so... i mean no offence with my post... all i mean to say is... when ALLAH made a briliant BRAIN to think better than even the todays computer...and all the future inventions... then why dont we research and think ourself... listening to MAULVIs who... almost sit and never conduct honest research... than a christian or other non-muslim.. i believe a layman of today can think and search better about all such matters... cheers... syedhassan ACCA
02-07-2005, 09:05 AM
hello again..
for hindu basant...there is some difference, than what we do... they remember their worship... but we for get our prayers at basant... here's some thing about the HINDU BASANT... Basant Panchami, the Festival of Spring, is celebrated mainly in the Indian states of Haryana and Punjab, during February-March. It is celebrated at the end of winter to welcome spring. 'Basant Ritu' means spring season in Hindi. It is during this time that in Haryana the mustard fields are in full bloom, giving the impression of yellow carpets laid out on acres of land. People welcome this change of season by wearing yellow clothes, flying kites and having lots of fun. A puja is held in the house, teeka applied on the deity as well as everyone's forehead. CHEERS.. SYEDHASSAN... ACCA
02-13-2005, 07:36 AM
Because rain spoiled the show last week we have get another chance to celebrate mini basant.Whethet u people believe or not but basant night is being celebrated once more in lahore today.
And tomorrow there will be mini basant and it will be just like basant because due to rain last sunday people still have loots of "door" and "kites" at their disposal. One point which i missed in my previous posts was about multi national companies.i think that it is these multi national companies who have defamed basant in our country. what u people think? bilal
02-13-2005, 05:02 PM
WAT is basant and from whr it comes
as a muslim we must have to avoid doing not religious events and as i know some thing that basant is a thewar of hindus so r we hindus??????? mfarrukh.
02-13-2005, 10:44 PM
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by bilal azhar</i>
<br />Because rain spoiled the show last week we have get another chance to celebrate mini basant.Whethet u people believe or not but basant night is being celebrated once more in lahore today. And tomorrow there will be mini basant and it will be just like basant because due to rain last sunday people still have loots of "door" and "kites" at their disposal. One point which i missed in my previous posts was about multi national companies.i think that it is these multi national companies who have defamed basant in our country. what u people think? bilal <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> how u can saw multi national companies has defamed basant i cant understand what u wana say ------------------------- "You say you hate me,And i know that it is true,But why cant i stop thinking of you"
02-14-2005, 12:38 AM
hello all...
as i already gave a wide history of basant in my early posts, related Hindus , muslums and early.. i think its a festival of CHINESE, then the MUSLIMS and the HINDUS... its nothing wrong with celeberating basant, but if and only if, we do it like the CHINESE do...(no sharp DORE, NO CLUTCH WIRES, NO MINI and MAGA basant) and most of all remembering our PRAYERS..which we forget when we have a kite in hand.. sory BILAL , i dont get it, HOW any MULTI_NATIONAL would defame BASANT IN PAKISTAN..(by.. making DANGEROUS DORE's GOOD KITES...etc...) please do clarify... i also celebrate basant but form ASAR prayers-to-MAGHRIB.. and after ISHA till MID-NIGHT. its fun, if care for all... regards... syedhassan... ACCA
02-14-2005, 02:49 AM
pandoo pandoo hotee haeee
02-14-2005, 07:27 AM
Multi nationals have defamed it because instead of celebrating basant with door and kites they celebrate it wiht something else in big hotels not only defaming our country but also religion.
02-14-2005, 11:38 AM
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by bilal azhar</i>
<br />Multi nationals have defamed it because instead of celebrating basant with door and kites they celebrate it wiht something else in big hotels not only defaming our country but also religion. bilal <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> hi... bilal... what do you mean by something else... (kites made of animal skin)??[ ![]() please do mention it... regards.. syedhassan.. ACCA
02-15-2005, 08:00 AM
syedhassan bahi i dont know whether u are deliberately asking this question.i think reply of this question would not be appropriate on this public forum.
ALL i want to say is "shrab and shbab". bilal |