05-11-2010, 04:20 AM
@Aimad , Bilawal and A.A = > How are u guys ?? must be waiting for me to reply lolz .... [)] 3 days and website didn't work ... well ... lets start [)]
I reached AFF a bit late but was lucky enough coz the interview started at 1020.. I was amazed to see that there were like 4 to 5 guys called , i saw the list my self , and some guys had interview like in the evening session ,.. well that was amazing + encouraging..
There were 3 guys who took my interview .. 1 of them was a fatty [p] , others 2 were quite young, and before even i sat down on the chair , the very 1st question they asked me , WHAT IS UR FAVOURITE SUBJECT ?? I was shocked at first but i controlled my nerves and said AUDIT for sure [})] .. and then , OMG , the worst part of my life , questions came on me like missiles fired.. ( i noted down all the questions after the end of interview on my notebook [p])
The very 1st question he asked me , Difference between Audit strategy and Audit plan.. i answered quite well , he then asked , what should be the Auditor responces to the Assessed risks, next question was what is dual test .. i answered all of them with confidence , and then he shifted on quite hard ones [)]
now , he asked , what if there are misstatements in the opening balances ?? what might be the analytical procedures on NON FINANCIAL DATA ?? Audit procedures depend on what ?? Difference bet comparatives and coressponding figures ?? what if previous year financial statements not audited then , changes in report ??
I still managed to answer these questions , those young interviewrs were asking tough and technical questions deliberately step by step.. the last question i rem asked was , if controls are tested by a service organization what will be ur responsibilities as an auditor ( now this question i couldn't answer , so he STOPPED THERE ) !!
He was having a questions LIST in his hand i guess , he was looking down , asking as i noticed him ... now that FAT man asked abt me , family etc .. i said thanks for asking my name atleast [D]
That man asked me questions related to IAS 38 , 16 , Leases 17, on a normal difficulty level , he was quite good to me ...
In the last , those young studs asked me questions related to Financial Instruments.. I was amazed at his question , he asked me , DO U HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS IN PAKISTAN ?? i wanted to say BOND [D] JAMES BOND [D] lolz ....
i didnt reply to this i said i dont know .. then he asked me about the Available for sale and their treatment etc ...
In the end , the asked me , Will there be any problem if we send u in our Afghanistan OFfice [X] i smiled and said NO , NO PROBLEM AT ALL , INDEED I WANT TO GO THERE [p] ITS MY WISH [
] lolz ...
After that , they said , fine , ur quite good , confident and WE WILL CALL U FOR 2nD INTERVIEW
now this line was really out of the blue for me... i asked them is this some kind of assurance ?? the FAT man moved his head , and i said " Absolute or Reasonable " They laughed and i left the room [D]
So this was all my Interview P Time taken was about 30 mins at most [o)] ..
I reached AFF a bit late but was lucky enough coz the interview started at 1020.. I was amazed to see that there were like 4 to 5 guys called , i saw the list my self , and some guys had interview like in the evening session ,.. well that was amazing + encouraging..
There were 3 guys who took my interview .. 1 of them was a fatty [p] , others 2 were quite young, and before even i sat down on the chair , the very 1st question they asked me , WHAT IS UR FAVOURITE SUBJECT ?? I was shocked at first but i controlled my nerves and said AUDIT for sure [})] .. and then , OMG , the worst part of my life , questions came on me like missiles fired.. ( i noted down all the questions after the end of interview on my notebook [p])
The very 1st question he asked me , Difference between Audit strategy and Audit plan.. i answered quite well , he then asked , what should be the Auditor responces to the Assessed risks, next question was what is dual test .. i answered all of them with confidence , and then he shifted on quite hard ones [)]
now , he asked , what if there are misstatements in the opening balances ?? what might be the analytical procedures on NON FINANCIAL DATA ?? Audit procedures depend on what ?? Difference bet comparatives and coressponding figures ?? what if previous year financial statements not audited then , changes in report ??
I still managed to answer these questions , those young interviewrs were asking tough and technical questions deliberately step by step.. the last question i rem asked was , if controls are tested by a service organization what will be ur responsibilities as an auditor ( now this question i couldn't answer , so he STOPPED THERE ) !!
He was having a questions LIST in his hand i guess , he was looking down , asking as i noticed him ... now that FAT man asked abt me , family etc .. i said thanks for asking my name atleast [D]
That man asked me questions related to IAS 38 , 16 , Leases 17, on a normal difficulty level , he was quite good to me ...
In the last , those young studs asked me questions related to Financial Instruments.. I was amazed at his question , he asked me , DO U HAVE ANY IDEA ABOUT FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS IN PAKISTAN ?? i wanted to say BOND [D] JAMES BOND [D] lolz ....
i didnt reply to this i said i dont know .. then he asked me about the Available for sale and their treatment etc ...
In the end , the asked me , Will there be any problem if we send u in our Afghanistan OFfice [X] i smiled and said NO , NO PROBLEM AT ALL , INDEED I WANT TO GO THERE [p] ITS MY WISH [

After that , they said , fine , ur quite good , confident and WE WILL CALL U FOR 2nD INTERVIEW
now this line was really out of the blue for me... i asked them is this some kind of assurance ?? the FAT man moved his head , and i said " Absolute or Reasonable " They laughed and i left the room [D]
So this was all my Interview P Time taken was about 30 mins at most [o)] ..